Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today's points

Breakfast - Banana 1 pt
Milk 4 pts

Lunch - Grapes 1 pt
Celery with Peanut Butter 4 pts
Crystal Light Fruit punch 0 pts

Snack - Piece of birthday cake 6 pts
Milk 3 pts

Dinner - Beef Stew 15 pts
Bread w/butter 5 pts
Crystal Light Fruit punch 0 pts.

Total points: 39 pts

Obstacles: Today was definitely the cake. It was the last piece so thank goodness I don't have to look at it any longer. LOL I should have just thrown it away. I didn't eat all my points today but at the same time I shouldn't have had that cake either.

A note so far this week: I noticed after reading over my posts that I need to drink more water. I am drinking juice and dt. tea and such but I definitely need to drink more water.

1 comment:

Jody said...

