Thursday, January 14, 2010

My points for today

Brunch-ish: Sandwhich 9 pts
Cheese w/p.b crackers 2 pts

Snack: Nutter butter crunch bar 1 pt (only have 1 more left :^(

Dinner: Chicken Cheesesteak hoagie 13 pts

Snack: Cookies and cream ice cream 8 pts

Total points: 33 pts

No activity again today. Still a bit of vertigo. Just hanging out watching the Flyers and Leafs game. Need to do a bunch of housework tomorry so I will get some movement in tomorrow. Have some friends coming to visit on Saturday. :^) It will be nice to see them. I haven't seen them in a while. Will try to get some pictures to post on here.

Here are a few pictures from my supply that I have on my computer right now.

On Lake Michigan waiting for the fireworks to start
This is a picture of part of Chicago's skyline. One of
my favorites that I took.

Me in Chicago at the PC Conference

This is me and Ken at a camping trip

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