Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 1 is over

So, I weighed myself this morning and I am happy to report that it showed 378.0 so I lost 3.6lbs. Yay for me. Because I am under 380 my points per day will go down by 1 now. The next time they go down is when I get under 370.

Goal updates:
Current weight this week: 378
Loss or gain: -3.6 Total so far: 3.6 lbs. lost
Short term goal: Lose 5% of weight - 19lbs Lbs. to go: 15.4
Long term goal: Weigh 299 lbs. by Christmas 2010 - 82.6lbs. Lbs. to go: 79

Daily Point Allowance: 44

Breakfast 0 pts

Lunch: Soft pretzel stick 7pts
Sprite Zero 0 pts

Snack: WW Carrot cake 2 pts
100 calorie nutter butter crunch bar 1 pt
32 oz Water 0 pts

Dinner: Pork chop 5pts
baby red potatoes 5pts
steamed broccoli 0 pts
orange cool aid 1 pt

Snack: Smart Food Carmel Popcorn 2 pts

Total points: 23 (uh oh :^( not good )

As you can see I did something very bad today. I didn't eat!!! For one I skipped breakfast, although this was not on purpose. It just....happened. We had to go grocery shopping this morning before ken went to bed (he works nights) and then I went up to my sister to help her type up a proposal for their business. I came home made dinner, ate dinner, did the Wii Active, and not I am chomping on some of my Carmel popcorn and typing my blog :^) But even though my day was busy, and I didn't eat as much as I should have, I am still proud of the choices I made. Instead of a drive thru we went to the Philly Soft pretzel place in Lehighton. Got a soft pretzel which is baked not fried like the french fries would have been that I probably would have gotten instead of a salad. I still had a healthy dinner with baked pork chops, boiled red potatoes, and steamed broccoli. And I also made time to exercise as well. Not extensively but at least it was some movement.

Week in review

Looking over this past week there is a few things I think I can improve on. I think I need to try and eat more veggies this week and drink more water.

Activities Goal for the week: my activity goal for the week is to do the Wii Active at least 4 days and for 20 min at a time. Each day I do the Wii Active I will "report" back here on the blog with the minutes that I exercised, the exercises I did and the calories I burned. I am not going to count today because I only did 4 min. It was more like a warm up kind of thing.

Thank you all for your encouragement. :^) It is awesome to have the support that I have on this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you go girl!! keep up the GREAT work!!
