Friday, February 5, 2010

Points for Thursday

Sorry this is late

Breakfast - Nothing

Snack - 2-100 calorie PB and cheese Crackers 4pts
3-Hershey kisses 3pts

Lunch - Turkey w/Provolone on Kaiser roll with mayo 7 pts
sm apple 1pt
Chocolate chip cookie 5pts (it was a big one LOL)
raw carrots 0pts

Dinner- 4 slices of pizza 24pts ( I was freekin hungry LOL )

Total points: 44

I was in Lancaster all day yesterday. Sorry this post is late. By the time I got home I was so hungry and so tired. UGH. So yes I ate 4 slices of pizza at 6pts a piece and you know what.........they were freekin good too. LOL

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Your doing great with a slow gradiual loss. How are you doin' with the water( I can't seem to drink enough in a day). The worst thing to do is skipping meals, especialy breakfast. Please try to mix your meals, no matter how good that pizza is/was, should of had like 2 slices with a salad. I found out if you spread out your calories/points a little more even, you will have more success. As much as the dietician says to eat more often and smaller meals, as that shrinks your stomach naturaly. "Over doing-it"(4-slice) slows the process and even streches the stomach. Keep with your filling foods(salad,green vegs,ect...)and soon enough the stomach will decrease in size. I'm glad to see your loss each week,but controll your "Thursdays" 'cause I know how dissappointing it can be when Monday's weigh-in comes and there is no loss, or worse yet a gain. Keep your head high, and don't give up. A life is hard to change after all these years, You'll get there, I know you can.
