Monday, February 22, 2010

Goal updates:
Starting weight: 381.6
Current weight this week: 373.6
Loss or gain: +.8 Total so far: 7.6 lbs. lost
Short term goal: Lose 5% of weight - 19lbs Lbs. to go: 8.4
Long term goal: Weigh 299 lbs. by Christmas 2010 - 82.6lbs. Lbs. to go: 74.8
Well, this past week was BAD. But, its ok because I am back on track. Starting up the Wii Active again today. I have been slacking tooooo much. I need to remember that I am doing this for myself and my family. (and hopefully future family) Despite my gain I still feel good about myself and my decision on changing my life. I just need to stay focused on my goals. Sometimes I feel like I have to many goals but...What is life without goals??
See you later a little lighter...I hope.

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